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With powerful tracking and reporting capabilities, unparalleled flexibility and reconfigurability, and the ability to expand as your agency grows, Nightingale Notes supplies you with the time you need to do the work you want to do—change peoples’ lives for the better and improve overall community health.

Two men hugging

With powerful tracking and reporting capabilities, unparalleled flexibility and reconfigurability, and the ability to expand as your agency grows, Nightingale Notes supplies you with the time you need to do the work you want to do—change peoples’ lives for the better and improve overall community health.

Grant Tracking & Management

Vaping Chart showing improvements in knowledge, behavior and problem status

Document, monitor and report on grant deliverables including health outcomes, and provide powerful visuals to grant funders.

Workflow Management

Appointment Workflow

Optimize registration, scheduling, time tracking, and other activities so you spend less time on administration and more time serving individuals and families.

Patient Care

Community Enrollment chart showing 3 clients and 10 clients (YTD vs last YTD)

Record clinical outcomes and immunizations. Narrative charting and online fillable patient forms help you schedule and provide efficient, effective support.

Track Continuity of Care

Referral Status chart showing 31% transfer from a hospital, 20.7% social worker, 13.8% clinic referral, 13.8% physician referral, 13.8% self/family/friends, 3.4% court/law enforcement and 3.4% ER

Track people, supplies, schedules, and vital materials for higher efficiency.

Robust Reporting

Summary Aging Report showing BluePlus, Medica, PrimeWest and other carriers

Make data-driven decisions to support and expand the programming that serves the needs of your community.

Standardized Terminology

Community disparity chart showing 28.6% mental health and 28.6% Income, 14.3% communication with resources, 14.3% abuse and 14.3% neighborhood/workplace safety

Use the integrated Omaha System for charting to facilitate patient data management. Learn more.

Women looking at computer in a coffee shop

The Support You Need

Automate your health data tracking with Nightingale Notes, a clinical documentation system built for public health.
White Flag

“I’m an advocate for Nightingale Notes because it really changed the way we do business.”

—Shelby Bodenstab, RN, Senior Certified Public Health Nurse, County of Del Norte, CA

Find out what Nightingale Notes can do for your agency.